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Published on 26 February 2019



  • Project coordination
  • Project, financial and risk management
  • Faithful interaction with European Commission (EC)


Description of work

CEA will lead all management activities and is responsible for all WP deliverables. This WP comprises the following tasks:

  • Task 1.1: Project coordination for the compilation and submission of reports and deliverables to the EC. (M1-M39)
  • Task 1.2: Project management including production of detailed annual action plans, planning of consortium meetings, monitoring the progresses, and implementation of corrective actions, when necessary. (M1-M39)
  • Task 1.3: Financial management, covering the establishment of financial protocols for the consortium, financial monitoring and reporting to the commission, the collection and delivery of cost statements and audit certificates to the Commission, and the distribution of EC payments between partners (M1-M39).
  • Task 1.4: Risk management, covering the establishment of a procedure for risk assessment. Important risks will be monitored and mitigation actions will be implemented, when relevant (M1-M39)


WP Leader:WP1 is chaired by Pierre-Olivier Lagage (Coordinator), with Vincent Minier as Deputy Coordinator. Participants : the responsible of each of WP will be part of the executive board which will meet regularly (see section 3.2 Management)