... Additionally, to model successfully the atmosphere of an exoplanet, it is necessary to have a sound knowledge of the host star. To this end, we will collect a coherent and uniform database of the relevant properties of host stars from ESA Space Science archives (XMM, Gaia), combined with international space mission and ground-based data. These exoplanet and host star catalogues will be accompanied/interpreted with models to assess the importance of star – planet interactions. The knowledge gained from this project will be disseminated through peer- review publications and modelling tools will be publicly released.
In addition to the delivery of high level data products, state of the art tools, models and scientific publications, the project will ready us to rapidly exploit data from the James Webb Space Telescope, which is a highly competitive. It is also an excellent preparation to the exploitation of the ARIEL mission, an ESA mission dedicated to a statistical survey of exoplanet atmosphere, with about 1000 exoplanets to be observed.