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Published on 26 February 2019

Participant 7, Stichting Sron

SRON Netherlands Institute for Space Research is the national expertise institute for scientific space research. Its mission is to bring about breakthroughs in international space research. As national expertise institute SRON connects the science community, the technological institutes, and industry. SRON was founded in 1961 and now hosts around 130 permanent staff members. The staff is a combination of engineers, instrument scientists and scientists, providing the expertise triangle needed to go from concept to realisation of space hardware to harvesting and analysis of data. SRON has often been leading in missions (e.g. Herschel/HiFi and currently co-PI for ATHENA/X-IFU). The institute has a long history in infrared and X-ray missions including data analysis and instrument calibration.

Role in ExoplANETS-A: SRON will lead WP3 on retrieval using the expertise of M. Min in combination with the world leading expertise available at SRON on Earth oriented retrieval algorithms. SRON will also participate in WP2 on data analysis through the unique expertise of F. Lahuis on MIRI calibration and data analysis. Finally, expertise on planet formation and evolution will be brought into WP5 by M. Min and L.B.F.M. Waters.